There is a time to born and a time to die, a time to eat and a time
to sleep. A time to work and a time to rest. A time to win and a time to
loose. There invariably is a time for everything. But how many persons
understand this time tested fact about the factor of times in the
sojourn of our lives, our pursuits, our transactions and generally on
our successes or failures? Not many persons can deal with this issue and
as such, always the desire for more time to achieve certain task we
undertake. Even in spite of the fact that we have 24hrs in every day, 7
days in a week and 31 days in a month, we still seem not to have enough
Most persons have so unplanned their time such that their
relationships with their families, spouses, friends and even career
suffer for the inability to manage appropriately the time at their
disposal. This has led to many families crashing, relationships
suffering suspicions, business going under and not to talk of the ever
present sense of underachievement within a time span.
It is instructive that most persons do not understand how to proposition time for every thing that they desire to achieve. For instance, the thought process of every man tells us or brings to his mind a desire to have and raise a good family, to excel in his business or career etc. And all these thoughts are just jumbled up in the mind and the usual penchant for most persons will be to set out to pursue these dreams. Most times, they don't even stop to assess what their intentions are and plan on how to achieve, in the best possible way this desire. Even the idea of prioritizing and discipline for effective execution is not considered. Therefor, just like the saying goes, "one who fails to plan, plan to fail". And also can say, that he who takes time factor for granted, certain ends up not achieving his dreams and desires.
It is instructive therefore to look at time very critically as a factor for which achievements can be based. Hence to make the best of what ever you set out for,there are several factors that you must arm yourself with pertaining to time and management of the time one has. Accordingly, Brian Tracy proposes three different factors to consider when dealing with issues concerning time.
First and foremost, you must organize your life around your family, Your Career and Your Personal Goals
You need to stand back on a regular basis and analyze yourself, your life and your time usage. You need to become a master of your time rather than a slave to continuing time pressures. This is very important considering the number of failed family union to lack of time for family issues. Most persons get them selves engrossed in what they are pursuing such that family will loose the value of such a person to the misadventure of having to indulge in the dream of achievement. Even careers most times suffer from this misplacement of time value and could lead only to a crash.
Further on, time is your most precious resource. It is the most valuable thing you have. It is perishable, it is irreplaceable, and it cannot be saved. It can only be reallocated from activities of lower value to activities of higher value. All work requires time. And time is absolutely essential for the important relationships in your life. The very act of taking a moment to think about your time before you spend it will begin to improve your personal time management immediately.
Again, there always is a starting point. Personal time management begins with you. It begins with your thinking through what is really important to you in life. And it only makes sense if you organize it around specific things that you want to accomplish. You need to set goals in three major areas of your life. First, you need family and personal goals. These are the real reasons why you get up in the morning, why you work hard and upgrade your skills, why you worry about money and sometimes feel frustrated by the demands on your time.
In spite of all these, you have to have consideration on deciding upon your goals. What are your personal and family goals, both tangible and intangible? A tangible family goal could be a bigger house, a better car, a larger television set, a vacation, or anything else that costs money. An intangible goal would be to build a higher quality relationship with your spouse and children, to spend more time with your family going for walks or reading books. Achieving these family and personal goals are the real essence of time management, and its major purpose.
Another aspect of consideration in your time management is how to achieve your set goals. It is instructive to consider another area of goals which is your business and career goals. These are the "how" goals, the means by which you achieve your personal, "why" goals. How can you achieve the level of income that will enable you to fulfill your family goals? How can you develop the skills and abilities to stay ahead of the curve in your career? Business and career goals are absolutely essential, especially when balanced with family and personal goals.
Time as a factor also considers personal development goals. Personal development goals happen to be the third type of goals one sets out to achieve. Remember, you can't achieve much more on the outside than what you have achieved and become on the inside. Your outer life will be a reflection of your inner life. If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and your career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development. You must build yourself if you want to build your life. Perhaps the greatest secret of success is that you can become anything you really want to become to achieve any goal that you really want to achieve. But in order to do it, you must go to work on yourself and never stop. Yes! Never stop is the cliche that we all must become friendly with.
Having brought to bear on our psyche the above on time management, here are some three things you need to do with the issue on discuss and which will help propel you into putting the idea of time to action.
First, develop the habit of stopping on a regular basis and thinking about what is really important to you. The more often you stop and think, the better decisions you will make.
Second, decide clearly upon your personal and family goals. Write them down. Discuss them with others. Be clear about why you are doing what you do.
Third, take some time to think about your career goals and the steps you will have to take to achieve them. Do something every day that moves you forward in all three areas.
Wouldn't you like to have more time to do the things you like, be with the people that make you happy? I suppose that everyone sets out to be a success, have a fulfilling life and create love to envelop the family and the society. Then, it is necessary to consider this issue with diligence and intersperse them with the action that will turn our lives into the kind of beauty we want to have around us.
Evidently therefore, there is a time for everything. A time to rule and be ruled, a time to vote and be voted for, a time to accept change from an old order to a new order, a time to leave nepotism and ethnicity out of our national consciousness to foster merit and not mediocrity. For those who fail, remember that the also is a time to win for, failing is not the moment to despair but a time to reassess your pursuit and giving it more impetus for the next time out.
There is enough time for every thing in the face of the earth only if we manage our time considerably.
Jeremiah Ogar
It is instructive that most persons do not understand how to proposition time for every thing that they desire to achieve. For instance, the thought process of every man tells us or brings to his mind a desire to have and raise a good family, to excel in his business or career etc. And all these thoughts are just jumbled up in the mind and the usual penchant for most persons will be to set out to pursue these dreams. Most times, they don't even stop to assess what their intentions are and plan on how to achieve, in the best possible way this desire. Even the idea of prioritizing and discipline for effective execution is not considered. Therefor, just like the saying goes, "one who fails to plan, plan to fail". And also can say, that he who takes time factor for granted, certain ends up not achieving his dreams and desires.
It is instructive therefore to look at time very critically as a factor for which achievements can be based. Hence to make the best of what ever you set out for,there are several factors that you must arm yourself with pertaining to time and management of the time one has. Accordingly, Brian Tracy proposes three different factors to consider when dealing with issues concerning time.
First and foremost, you must organize your life around your family, Your Career and Your Personal Goals
You need to stand back on a regular basis and analyze yourself, your life and your time usage. You need to become a master of your time rather than a slave to continuing time pressures. This is very important considering the number of failed family union to lack of time for family issues. Most persons get them selves engrossed in what they are pursuing such that family will loose the value of such a person to the misadventure of having to indulge in the dream of achievement. Even careers most times suffer from this misplacement of time value and could lead only to a crash.
Further on, time is your most precious resource. It is the most valuable thing you have. It is perishable, it is irreplaceable, and it cannot be saved. It can only be reallocated from activities of lower value to activities of higher value. All work requires time. And time is absolutely essential for the important relationships in your life. The very act of taking a moment to think about your time before you spend it will begin to improve your personal time management immediately.
Again, there always is a starting point. Personal time management begins with you. It begins with your thinking through what is really important to you in life. And it only makes sense if you organize it around specific things that you want to accomplish. You need to set goals in three major areas of your life. First, you need family and personal goals. These are the real reasons why you get up in the morning, why you work hard and upgrade your skills, why you worry about money and sometimes feel frustrated by the demands on your time.
In spite of all these, you have to have consideration on deciding upon your goals. What are your personal and family goals, both tangible and intangible? A tangible family goal could be a bigger house, a better car, a larger television set, a vacation, or anything else that costs money. An intangible goal would be to build a higher quality relationship with your spouse and children, to spend more time with your family going for walks or reading books. Achieving these family and personal goals are the real essence of time management, and its major purpose.
Another aspect of consideration in your time management is how to achieve your set goals. It is instructive to consider another area of goals which is your business and career goals. These are the "how" goals, the means by which you achieve your personal, "why" goals. How can you achieve the level of income that will enable you to fulfill your family goals? How can you develop the skills and abilities to stay ahead of the curve in your career? Business and career goals are absolutely essential, especially when balanced with family and personal goals.
Time as a factor also considers personal development goals. Personal development goals happen to be the third type of goals one sets out to achieve. Remember, you can't achieve much more on the outside than what you have achieved and become on the inside. Your outer life will be a reflection of your inner life. If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and your career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development. You must build yourself if you want to build your life. Perhaps the greatest secret of success is that you can become anything you really want to become to achieve any goal that you really want to achieve. But in order to do it, you must go to work on yourself and never stop. Yes! Never stop is the cliche that we all must become friendly with.
Having brought to bear on our psyche the above on time management, here are some three things you need to do with the issue on discuss and which will help propel you into putting the idea of time to action.
First, develop the habit of stopping on a regular basis and thinking about what is really important to you. The more often you stop and think, the better decisions you will make.
Second, decide clearly upon your personal and family goals. Write them down. Discuss them with others. Be clear about why you are doing what you do.
Third, take some time to think about your career goals and the steps you will have to take to achieve them. Do something every day that moves you forward in all three areas.
Wouldn't you like to have more time to do the things you like, be with the people that make you happy? I suppose that everyone sets out to be a success, have a fulfilling life and create love to envelop the family and the society. Then, it is necessary to consider this issue with diligence and intersperse them with the action that will turn our lives into the kind of beauty we want to have around us.
Evidently therefore, there is a time for everything. A time to rule and be ruled, a time to vote and be voted for, a time to accept change from an old order to a new order, a time to leave nepotism and ethnicity out of our national consciousness to foster merit and not mediocrity. For those who fail, remember that the also is a time to win for, failing is not the moment to despair but a time to reassess your pursuit and giving it more impetus for the next time out.
There is enough time for every thing in the face of the earth only if we manage our time considerably.
Jeremiah Ogar
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