It has come to our attention that some individual, or individuals, are impersonating Archbishop Thabo Makgoba in emails designed to extort money, for example through issuing invitations to speak at conferences and then seeking banking details into which to pay travel costs.
We wish to underline that these are NOT from the Most Revd Dr Thabo Makgoba, Archbishop of Cape Town, of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa.
Please beware of any emails coming from, or from Ed Smart at, or,
Other warning signs are that the emails often say ‘Arch Bishop’ instead of ‘Archbishop’ and ‘Anglican Church of South Africa’ whereas ACSA is the Anglican Church of Southern Africa.
They may also suggest that the Archbishop is Bishop of the Diocese of Christ the King, and that this is in Cape Town, perhaps giving an address at the Bernard Mizeki Centre in Zonnebloem (which is indeed the office of the Diocese of Cape Town, though not of Archbishop Thabo Makgoba). However, ACSA’s Diocese of Christ the King is in Gauteng, and its Bishop is the Rt Revd Peter Lee. Some emails contain links to genuine ACSA websites.
Emails of which we are so far aware have targeted individuals in Australia, but it may well be that they are being sent to others around the world. If anyone receives an email purporting to be from the Archbishop or his staff, but are unsure whether it is authentic, please refer it to me, at, or to, and we will be able to confirm its status.
We are reporting this to the police, and recommend that anyone who has been in correspondence with these persons do the same, and also review their financial security.
Issued by the Office of the Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town
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