Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Success Tips: Change Your Future Now! Speak The Language Of Success

PAUSE for a moment and ask yourself this important question: Why do many Nigerians believe that something spectacular that was done in other parts of the world can’t be done here?

 If you can think hard and discover the answer to this question, you would have found the reason for our country’s backwardness in many areas of our national life. You would be standing face-to-face with the potent force that is pulling us back from progress: our inability to enjoy the best things that the world has to offer.

 Let me illustrate this point. Years back, Alhaji Lateef Jakande, as the Executive Governor of Lagos State, looked at the transportation problem of the state and thought the solution was to build a metro line, a metropolitan train that could move large numbers of commuters rapidly from point to point.

 Had he been able to see his dream through, Lagos would have, by today, had a traffic decongesting system like London, Mexico city, Tokyo and New York, cities that share similar heavy human and vehicular traffic problems.

 While I pondered on this project that never saw the light of day, as one of the genuine opportunities that knocked and was allowed to go to waste, I was surprised when I mentioned it during a conversation to someone whom I have so much respect for and he retorted that the idea was crazy.

 “How would it have worked in a place like Lagos?” he asked mockingly, his tone of voice suggesting that he found it absurd that anyone on earth could have thought of it in the first place. “The train would simply have ploughed through one crowded area of the city one day, killing hundreds of people. It was a good thing that his plans were frustrated.”

 He added: “We don’t have the ability to maintain such a complex means of transportation. It would have ended in chaos.”

 Not being someone I could argue with, I stored his comment in my memory, where I could go back and reflect on it. Thinking back on it, and linking what he said to several other instances where our people believe that no good can come out of Nigeria, it suddenly occurred to me that the enemy we have to fight until we defeat it in this country, is lack of self belief.

 I mean, what is in a metro that cannot be operated in Nigeria? And even if there was an accident, would that be peculiar to Nigeria? Underground trains do have accidents m London, killing several people, and the British government is yet to outlaw that means of transportation as a result. It is time we started believing in ourselves.

 Without self belief, there is no way anyone, a nation or an individual, can achieve greatness. At the back of every great accomplishment is self belief. If you lack self belief, no one will believe in you. It is that simple.

 Do you want to change your future? Then begin from today to believe in yourself. Abandon the “I can’ts” for the “I cans”. Repeat this to yourself often and often: I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.

 Yes, you must speak the language of success all the time. If you don’t know, success has its own language. Success’s language is positive. Success’s language is affirmative. Success’s language is fearless. Success’s language is self-fulfilling.

 What do you want your tomorrow to be like? Begin to speak about it positively from now. You will build your own house if you believe it and speak positively about your expectation to build a nice house of your own.

 Nice jobs will not be what others have while you don’t once you start speaking positively about having a nice job.

 Did you see anyone who did something commendable? Then whole-heartedly commend them. Thank God for providing the thing for them and ask that God do the same for you. Don’t make the mistake that many make by always condemning others or envying them when they achieve some measure of success.

Whatever you say about others will go round and come back to you. Watch what you say. Mind the thoughts you allow to cross your mind. These things may come back to haunt you. Always profess the goodness of God for your life and it shall come to pass in Jesus name. Amen.

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