For instance, being married to an atheist means he will not understand the reason why I have to tithe monthly and he will not accept it, especially if we share a bank account and property.
Austin Cline's article "Aren't weddings religious events? Why would atheists get married?" showed that marriage is commonly known to be a fundamental religious institution that is based on religious values and serves religious ends. Thus, if a person is not religious then it might seem natural for that person to avoid marriage.
It's every girls dream to walk down the aisle in a snow white wedding gown and this is only done religiously. I would not sacrifice that for anything in the world because it's a dream I have had since I was 10 years old.
Many people would argue that an atheist may just do the civil marriage but in Rwanda, during marriage ceremony when the couple is saying their vows, God is mentioned somewhere because this country is religious and believes in God.
My grandmother is a staunch catholic; she has always told me to marry a catholic. If I was to marry an atheist, it would be very hard to convince her to attend a wedding where the groom doesn't believe in God or any religion. She would immediately ask me why I'm marrying him and if my reason is not convincing enough, I don't think she would bless the marriage.
It's very hard to live together as a couple if your beliefs are different because they dictate your day to day lifestyle.
Imagine when your relatives come to visit and your partner has to walk out of the room every time you say a prayer before dinner or a prayer before bedtime! Personally, I would be terribly embarrassed by it. How do I explain to them that my man does not believe in God or in religion for that matter?
Based on the several cases that have led to divorce and separation, the two significant things that affect couples are religion and cultural beliefs. It's so hard for couples that don't have a common ground on either side to survive further differences hurdles in the relationship. We need to be on the same page!
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